CHITS Database changes logs
As of September 18:
1. Added 'vitals_height (int(5))' field in m_consults_vitals
2. Unassigned 'visit_sequence' as an index in m_consult_mc_prenatal
3. Added 'prenatal_id (int (11))' as an index in m_consult_mc_prenatal
4. Assigned 'prenatal_id (int (11))' as an index together with mc_id and consult_id in m_consult_mc_prenatal
5. Added 'actual_service_date' and 'service_qty' to the m_consult_mc_services
6. Added 'Goiter' and 'Having a fourth (or more) baby (grandmulti)' in the MC Risk Factors library m_consult_mc_visit_risk
7. Unassigned mc_id, consult_id and visit_risk_id as index in m_consult_mc_visit_risk
8. Added prenatal_remarks and postpartum_remarks in m_patient_mc
9. Added 'date_breastfed' in m_patient_mc. This field will store date wherein the mother initially breastfed the child.
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