The Hound of the Wolf

For the strength of Pack is in the Wolf, and the strength of Wolf is in the Pack -Rudyard Kipling

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Morph Code Elevator Pitch

April 5 2008 marks the second day of the Morph Code (Software as a Service) SaaS workshop. A barrage of topics (17 all in all) are to be presented in front of a panel of judges in a Elevator Pitch style. "Fast and furious" as what George Telenko of Morph Labs described. Our group, the Outstanding Informatics, presented Community Health Information Tracking System. Appyling SaaS strategy to CHITS will augment the difficulties of having to go to the 2,300 health centers nationwide to bring the application. Seeing an appropriate business model with CHITS is another thing given constraints and challenges the team is facing ahead.

One good thing about the Morph Code "competition" is that potential technopreneurs are given the opportunity to present their ideas in front of seasoned entrepreneurs. It will really take one hell of guts to stand up and do your stuff without knowing if your saying the right things. The good thing with the judges is that they do not only criticize for the sake of criticizing but provide necessary and indispensable comments. Kudos to the organizers!

In the event that CHITS will be accepted in the Morph Labs mentoring program, it is foreseen that we can catapult the application further in terms of not only having footprints from North to South but making this formula happened:

Open source Business Model + Community Involvement + Social Impact = Multi-million enterprise.

Yet on the pragmatic side, with or without Morph support, the team is still determine to push through. It is hard to imagine how a group of five people can cover the whole Philippines with CHITS footprints but such feat is doable. The strategy is to divide and conquer. In between divide and conquer are countless revisions and improvement. The team has to work like well-oiled engine with a "Machine Learning" component.

Life ahead is full of excitement!