The Hound of the Wolf

For the strength of Pack is in the Wolf, and the strength of Wolf is in the Pack -Rudyard Kipling

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Resolving Apache's apr_sockaddr_info() error

I just installed httpd (aka Apache) in Fedora Core 11 (Leonidas). I am planning a shift from Ubuntu to FC and trying to replicate the things I have been doing with former. The set up of httpd in FC 11 can be done via "sudo yum -y install httpd".

Unlike in many Debian-based distros, Apache web server does not necessarily run automatically. The command 'sbin/service httpd start'. It was noticed that during the process of initializing the apache web server, the error "apr_sockaddr_info() cannot be started, etc." was seen.

To resolve the issue, the command 'sudo hostname localhost' was issued. Apache was restarted and when http://localhost was accessed, voila ! there goes the web server's main page.