CHITS Capiz - First Week Milestones
August 25: Discussed the mechanics of Maternal Care in the the FHSIS 2008 version. Items in the Prenatal and PostPartum TCL and data dictionary have been cross-checked in CHITS data. The following items are presently not collected in CHITS:
a. Date and No. of Iron with folic acid was Given
b. TCL remarks - explanation where the patient was not able to attend the next prenatal follow-up. This will be represented as free text in CHITS.
c. Indicators in the Prenatal and Postpartum have vague definitions (i.e. pregnant women given TT+, Pregnant Women) but have been clarified.
d. Date Initiated Breastfeeding (TCL) - this is not explicitly collected in CHITS. In CHITS a check box corresponding if the child was breastfed ASAP. We can consider the first postpartum visit date for this entry
e. Remarks - an explanation why the child was not seen in the next postpartum sched.
Additional Notes: Dr. Bermejo suggested that an alert mechanism for upcoming prenatal and postpartum follow ups and Tetanus toxoid vaccination schedules. This is an automated version of appointment except that midwives need not to tick the appointment checkboxes anymore. Cool feature definitely!
August 26: We made a brief meeting with the 4 MHO's regarding the status of CHITS in their respective RHU's. All have technical issues, each varying in nature. A quick field trip was schedule on 4 RHU's to fix the problem. Aside from the infrastructure-related issues, backup and restoration contingency plans have been tackled.
The approved procedure on deploying is this:
1. Alison will work two modules at a time in PHO. Regular consultation (thru Dr Bermejo) will be made while the module is being upgraded or developed
2. Development is composed of:
a. cross-matching TCL (or standard data collection form) against CHITS data structure
b. adding data fields in GUI and database which are not being collected in CHITS but are present in the new forms.
c. generation of updated versions of TCL's
d. generation of indicators and regular FHSIS reports
e. testing by entering sample and dummy data
f. PHO CHITS team will be oriented on the new features of the module
d. Updates shall be installed the servers and training will be conducted simultaneously. Each CHITS team member will be assigned to a particular RHU to do training.
August 27: Minimal work. Half-day travel from Boracay to Roxas City
August 28:
AM: Cuartero was inspected and found out that the server's video card does not work anymore. The server hard disk was transferred to a working CPU to resume CHITS operation. 2 out of 4 are machines running (the other one does not have LAN card driver)
PM: Sigma's LAN infrastructure is almost gone with only just few cables tackled in the ceiling. The previously "defective" machines was repaired thru the PHO's efforts and was restored inside SIgma's LAN. The server is 100% in perfect condition with all their previous data intact. At the end of the day, the Sigma CHITS LAN infrastruture is up and running with 4 PC's connected to the network. The Sigma personnel are asking for a refresher.
August 29:
AM: Tapaz RHU was visited for inspection and found out that the network switch broke down (no power when plugged). Server is up and running as stand alone.
PM: Dumalag's server's motherboard failed. Specific cause is not yet known as of this time. Server's hard disk was checked and the data is still intact.
CHITS software: Revisions are to be regularly uploaded in the SVN code repository of google. Various adjustments are made to accommodate some additional prenatal and postpartum fields and to facilitate easy encoding.