The Hound of the Wolf

For the strength of Pack is in the Wolf, and the strength of Wolf is in the Pack -Rudyard Kipling

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Java NCC Programming: Exercise 1

Take home Exercise 1:
Due is April 12 2009, 12 NN.

Problem: Create a program that will compute the average of 10 integers. Use JOPtionPane in getting the input.


1. Get 10 integers (including negatives) using JOptionPane
2. Compute for the average
3. Display the average using JOptionPane

Please email the java file to Make the email's subject: yourlastname_java_exercise1. There will be an additional 5 points for the next graded exercise for those who can get the solution.

Please visit this blog from time to time for the succeeding exercises.